Fitness world app
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Vores App | Fitness World
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Fitness World – Apps i Google Play
Vi har stadig problemer med Mit Fitness World på vores hjemmeside, så det er ikke muligt at logge ind i øjeblikket. Vores app virker, så her kan I godt til- …
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Fitness World i App Store
Fitness Worlds app skulle være fitnesscenterets forlængede arm for eksisterende kunder og fungere så motiverende og friktionsløst som muligt, …
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Fitness World – Kære app-bruger, Hvis du bruger vores app…
Adgang til Bodytracker, der måler vægt, BMI, muskelmasse og fedtprocent; Fri adgang til vores fitness app, hvor du blandt andet kan lave dit eget …
Fitness World – Hej alle 🙂 Vi har stadig problemer med…
Fitness World is a Danish fitness chain consisting of 158 gyms across the country, with a total of more than 450000 members. Thus, the chain is Denmark’s …
Fitness World – Check ind på holdtræning i App’en – YouTube
Danish Digital Awards
Fitness World – Danish Digital Awards
Anmeldelser af Fitness World – Trustpilot
The Fitness World App | Feats
Fitness World is a Danish fitness chain consisting of 158 gyms across the country, with a total of more than 450,000 members. Thus, the chain is Denmark’s largest and the eighth largest in Europe. Fitness Worlds app is designed to support and embrace different aspects of your workout – both before, during and after the workout itself. Here we work on various mechanisms to maximize the value of the fitness subscription on top of the core team booking functionality. These include how to get an individual training program that targets your desired goal – eg. whether to gain greater strength, tighten up, get in better shape, gain bigger muscles or lose weight. These can be added to your calendar so that it becomes part of your daily routine. You can measure the impact of your workout through the app integration to Fitness Worlds Bodytracker, where you can see your progression in weight, BMI, fat, muscle mass – and purchase additional parameters. In addition, it is possible to purchase personal training through the app. The motivation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important support mechanism. Here the app has implemented ‘challenges’, training statistics and ‘trophies’. Where challenges allow you to participate in various training competitions and thereby win prizes. Trophies award badges to the member based on their training efforts. A fun anecdote about the effect is that several members have purposefully gone after – and earned the trophy for training in over 100 of Fitness Worlds’ centers. The solution additionally embraces the social aspect of training. Being able to follow one’s training network’s profile and activity in connection with enrollment in team bookings, exercise activity, calories burned, etc. All to connect Fitness World members closer and utilize the social mechanisms to maintain people in a healthy training culture. The app can also be used to purchase various Fitness World products. You simply sign up for the individual product and are continually billed as part of your subscription. This provides the opportunity to offer users that purchasing a product requires only a single click for the user.Credits from: Customer ExperienceWinner of Customer Experience: Gold WinnerFitness WorldClaus NielsenChief Marketing OfficerBo Michael ChristensenHead of Digital Media & CommerceLars Erik KristensenHead of ConceptsThomas RoelLead DeveloperBardur Ziska JensenDeveloperShape A/SMarcus MattssonSenior DeveloperLucas Hong CaiBusiness DeveloperNicolas LindeCDOEva PeillexDesignerAlaeddine MessaoudiDeveloperThomas AttermannDeveloperManos KontakisDeveloperTobias LindbergTobias LindbergDANSKBaggrundFitness World A/S er en dansk fitnesskæde, der består af 158 fitnesscentre over hele landet, som i alt har mere end 450.000 medlemmer. Dermed er kæden Danmarks største og den ottendestørst i Europa.Fitness Worlds app skulle være fitnesscenterets forlængede arm for eksisterende kunder og fungere så motiverende og friktionsløst som muligt, således at folk får tilegnet sig en sundere livsstil og trænet mere. Appen skulle/skal understøtte at værdien af abonnementet maksimeres, således at en større procentdel af medlemmerne fastholdes – både udenfor som ifbm. træningen i centret.LøsningFitness Worlds app er opbygget for at kunne understøtte og omfavne forskellige aspekter af din træning – både før, under og efter selve træningen. Her arbejdes der med forskellige mekanismer til at maksimere værdien af fitness abonnementet på toppen af kernefunktionaliteten holdbooking. Herunder kan nævnes, hvordan man få et individuelt træningsprogram, som er målrettet imod din ønskede målsætning – f.eks. om at opnå større styrke, stramme sig op, komme i bedre form, få større muskler eller tabe sig. Disse kan tilføjes til din kalender, således at det bliver en del af din daglige rutine. Effekten af din træning kan du måle igennem
The Fitness World App | Feats
Fitness World
Fitness World is the largest chain of gyms in Denmark and with more than 350.000 users the Fitness World app is without a doubt one of the most popular Danish apps. Every day the app is the primary way for the Fitness World users to book classes and a vital part of their training routine.
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